P007 → Suspend tes Jugement (part 2)
This installation invites the viewer to spend a moment with objects that evoke intimate and sensual interactions. These objects, which have smooth or prickly surfaces, contain secret words to be deciphered, suggesting a latent desire. They arouse the viewer's curiosity, inviting them to connect with their senses to establish an intimate relationship. This work is a romantic scene, repeated over and over again. On a coffee table, a hairbrush has an engraved inscription: "We are not sisters we are lovers." Very often, queer relationships are defined by another's gaze. Here, the brush symbolizes a caring attention in the intimacy of a queer bubble where time has stopped. Dried flowers, the result of a slow preparation, reinforce this idea. Not only do these forms of affection turn away from patriarchy, but also from capitalism and the apocalyptic destruction that follows it by proposing other modalities of care and common life. Analogous to the human body, absent from the staging, two pieces of furniture serve as supports for the objects they contain and in turn their delicate secrets, their sensual sighs, their desire to be manipulated, touched.